Located in the North Africa, Algeria is the 10th largest country in the world in terms of total land area. Its GDP is $170 Billion and its population is 41 million. Algeria has strong economic relations with Europe and other Arab countries thanks to its ports in the Mediterranean Sea.
Algeria was a French colony until 1962, and they gained independence after Algerian War. Its official language is Arabic and Algiers is the capital city of the country. Sonatrach is one of the most influential Algerian companies, specialized in petrochemicals. It employs more than 100,000 people and has operations in Libya, Mauritania and Yemen.
Their biggest import partner is China and they import products from various sectors, including broadcasting equipments and iron structures. After China, European countries are the main import partners. 94% of Algeria’s exports are petroleum products and they are mainly exported to European countries and to USA.
There have been strong economic relations between Algeria and Turkey. Especially in the construction sector, Turkish companies completed $13.6 Billion worth projects in Algeria by 2016. Turkish exports concentrate on building materials, machinery and vehicles. There are well-established Turkish companies in Algeria, and new investors can find opportunities in construction materials and machinery products.
Below, you can see the fact sheet, macroeconomic outlook and trade relations of Algeria with Turkey.

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