The Kingdom of Morocco is located in the North West Africa and it is bordered by Algeria. Morocco’s population is 36 million and its GDP is $109 Billion. Morocco is a member of the Arab League, the Union for the Mediterranean and the African Union.
Morocco gained independence from France and Spain in 1956. The official language of Morocco is Arabic and French is a widely spoken foreign language. Its capital city is Rabat and Casablanca is the largest city. Morocco has political conflicts in Western Sahara region and it occupies 70% of lands in Western Sahara.
Morocco’s main trade partners are Spain and France. Almost 40% of the trade volume is with these two counties. Turkey is an important player in Morocco’s trade and it makes up 4% of the total trade volume both in exports and imports. Many European companies have foreign direct investment in Morocco in the textiles and automotive sector. The country has well diversified exports and imports in every sector.
Turkey and Morocco have historical relations since Otoman Empire. Morocco and Turkey have free trade agreement since 2006, which helps Turkish companies to export their products without tariffs. There are many Turkish companies that invested in Morocco and they also formed Turkish-Moroccon Businessmen Association (TUFIAD). Most of the Turkish exports concentrate in the automotive industry, such as cars, engines, iron blocs and trucks.
Below, you can see the fact sheet, macroeconomic outlook and trade relations of Morocco with Turkey.

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